Centre College Senior Exhibition 2024
Previously in my work, I have derived joy from painting those closest to me, such as friends and family. However, I realized my tendency to focus on others had left my own identity obscured. In a sense, I was a secondary character in my own story, focused on fulfilling the expectations of others rather than my own happiness. This realization prompted me to challenge myself to create self-portraits, a process that was at first daunting due to its inherent vulnerability. Through these self-portraits, I explore and reclaim my identity in a way I have never done before.
Through my self-portraits, I examine the transient state of identity formation and the fluidity of self-discovery. I draw inspiration from the idea of maps, both literal and metaphorical, which have influenced many of the patterns and designs that meld with the figure in these paintings. Each painting is a cartographic exploration, my own way of mapping, navigating, and discovering my identity. By blending vivid colors, intricate patterns, and geometric shapes, I blur the boundaries between traditional portraiture and abstraction. I encourage viewers to engage with my work on various levels by prompting them to question the connections between the physical body and the abstract realms of thought and feeling.